The One With the Diet

Man, the last entry was a little bit emotional wasn’t it? I think this one is also going to be a confused, rambling sort. I think that is generally my state of mind right now. Confused. Overwhelmed. Conflicted. Well, whatever. Let me get on with it.

I woke up naturally at 9am today, which was disorienting, as I’d gone to bed at 5am. I remember having bad dreams. I don’t know what they were about. But I woke up feeling slightly disturbed and not at all tired, as if afraid to fall asleep again. I decided that since I was up and about I might as well do something with my day. I’d planned to go shopping earlier in the week, then ditched the plan yesterday, and impulsively at 9am today I decided that yeah I totally would. I had convinced myself I really would like those items I saw last week, so off I went, slightly nervous as how KL would be on a public holiday.

Turns out, just like usual.  Maybe a tiny bit more crowded but not as bad as I was expecting. I even got a seat on the sky train.

I went to H&M first and typically the top I had been eyeing was itchy and looked awful on me. Most other things were like that too. Shopping is so often like that, isn’t it? Either its the wrong price, material, color, pattern, fit… the list goes on. I ended up with a couple of basic t shirts (and again, my credit card did not work, meaning I had to wander around for 20 minutes looking for an ATM to draw money. ARGH) I then headed on to Sephora, where I bought a couple of items. One I had been wanting for a while and was pleased to get, the other was an impulse born from my anger and frustration over my money situation and my stress over everything in general right now and I really think I could have done without it. Somewhere between the mess with my credit card and sephora I seemed to have decided fuck budgeting, fuck dieting, fuck everything and set myself on a dangerous course of an impulsive, emotion driven shopping binge.

Heading away from Sephora, I went into pavilion and down to a donut shop on the bottom floor I’d seen last week and had been eyeing then. I was going to buy one donut, but of course I bought six. And I so badly wanted coffee…so I got one. I felt a thrill of pleasure when I sat down to enjoy them but that did not last. I’d broken my diet, wasted precious money, for no reason at all.

Oh yes, I mentioned a diet did I not? That is, I’m currently aiming to cut out almost all dairy from my diet. Yep, you read that right. Me, the one with the sweet tooth who lives off cake and chocolate. However I read once, or maybe I was told, that dairy is often a cause of eczema. Which is something I suffer from badly, and have done so long enough to warrant the motivation to begin such extreme diet change.

I went into this diet without much thought, right back at the beginning of last summer. I stopped buying milk and bought rice milk instead. I bought plain vanilla soya milk to replace the loss of greek yogurt. I stopped eating cheese sauce with my pasta, and had tomato based sauces instead. I still ate bread and cake, with the plan being I’d reduce the amount of dairy first, allowing traces, to get used to it, to test it out, before really committing to it. And then I came to Malaysia, university started up again and together these two things made it hard to do even that. I was travelling and experiencing new cultures, I did not want to think about dieting! So I let myself break the rules on holiday. I was stressed and I wanted chocolate! So I had chocolate.

Today, I went and I bought myself six cream filled donuts and a creme brulee coffee that was half cream. The first sip was heavenly, the first bite delightful, but by the time I was finished the coffee and two of the donuts I felt nauseous. That’s the thing that also prompted me to accept this diet as something I should do for my overall well being, not just try out for the sake of my skin. That is: I’ve possibly always been slightly intolerant to dairy, actually. I love milkshakes, but I’ve not been allowed to drink them since I was small because they’d make me ill. I also have never been able to stomach omelets or too much egg in other forms. I could not tolerate rich, creamy deserts. I rarely ate yogurt, and when I did I had only a small spoonful with dry cereal, because I could not tolerate it otherwise. I could only ever eat mild cheeses like red Leicester and Gloucester, others made me feel ill. When I ate cheesy pasta for supper I enjoyed it but I could only manage half the portion of my sister, and I always felt off afterwards. I never recognised it though, that thing that was staring me in the face. The feeling that I’d eaten something wrong for me. I like cheese and yogurt and milk and cream. I like these things. But I have to accept they actually do not agree with me. I felt so ill today. I still feel ill.

And somewhere along the line I had accepted that ill feeling for full. That’s the problem, right there. I never feel full anymore. I always want to snack. I don’t know how to recognise when I’ve eaten enough anymore, because I often stopped once I felt ill. Oh if I eat enough food then I’ll know. When I went to morganfields and had clearly more food than I could stomach I felt full but in a borderline ill, over stuffed kind of way. But I don’t always want to be eating these huge portions to end up feeling completely over stuffed to know that yes, I’ve had enough. More than that, I’m wanting to snack because I crave the foods I should be working to cut out- fatty, heavy(for me) junk like pizza, chocolate, cake, donuts, even a glass of hot…well cold chocolate is dairy.  If I eat properly, and follow the diet, I do not feel satisfied. and without a proper kitchen nor the equipment to make substitutes, well…

Reducing dairy is making me face my issues with food head on and its..uncomfortable, to realise the extent of these issues. I am an emotional eater and it really is very bad. I have a tendency to think I’m hungry when I’m bored/stressed/emotional and I tend to crave fatty, heavy foods, to want to eat until I feel ill, exactly like what too much dairy does to me. Too much rich, creamy chocolate or cake. I want to enjoy the sweet things I like, rather than mindlessly stuff myself full of them until I literally cannot take another bite because I don’t even know… it just makes me feel good. I love that sugar high, too. the combinational sugar high and caffeine high is even better. gosh, after I’d had that coffee I had so much energy. I went and browsed around the mall some, ended up in a cute accessories shop and it was there I realized I was running out of money. Disappointed, I spent an unfortunate amount of time umming and ahhing over the three sets of accessories I wanted and finally settled on one. Then I went to find an ATM to see if my card would let me take anything more from it. It did not and I was disappointed. in retrospect,I am so glad. I could have continued for many more hours, wasting my money. Well, not necessarily wasting. But there is a difference between seeing something and analysing clearly Do I need this or do I just want it? Is it worth the price? Will it last? What can I wear it with? Rather than just seeing something going want and ending up being blinded by that want. It’s the same with the diet. Its one thing continuing to eat bread with the traces of milk, and another thing to set out to have something as dairy-filled as possible.

Today was a day of reckless, thoughtless spending. Breaking the budget, breaking the diet. In many ways I had a lovely day, so maybe today was something I needed, maybe I woke up today so I could have this one crazy day to let my emotions drive me, and so get them out. But I’m still left disappointed in myself. I’m going to have to do better than this.

Just, no more binging. Man, just no more binging.

I should be optimistic though. I have plans, goals. With the diet, that is. I think once I’m back in the UK it will be better. I’ve already wish-listed a bunch of world war two cookbooks (mock dairy products and dairy free cakes!) and vegan cookbooks and this summer I’m looking forward to learning how to bake my own dairy free bread, making my own granola bars and experimenting with egg free cakes. I should be able to introduce some dairy free sweet treats into my diet that will do something about these cravings and still be relatively healthy too.

I am disappointed in what I did today, but I do not want to beat myself up about it. I don’t want to get obsessive with this diet. More than that, I want to enjoy this. I want to do this and to enjoy it. It should be possible. I gave up using shampoo easily enough, after two years it has become habit. Once you replace your old bad habits with good ones its hard to notice the difference- habit is habit, after all. But this is much bigger than just giving up one product. This is giving up so much. I want pizza and ice cream and yes, more coffee and donuts. But I must not. Even so, I have to remember that I am still easing into this. Its too difficult to properly do this non-dairy thing under the circumstances of student halls, and I am living abroad, so the rules can be lax. As long as they don’t completely relax like today.

It’s late now. I should probably try and get some sleep, although my mind still feels wide awake. Big surprise there.

“It’s impossible to keep hiding your true colours”

Three days ago, I lost 80% of the hearing in my left ear. It came back briefly, yesterday, but yesterday I woke up and it was gone again and it has not come back, apart from a brief moment of startling clarity earlier. I am not panicking, or running to the doctor to cry about losing my hearing. Instead I did what I always do when feeling sick: hit up nhs choices, then interpret the information they give as I wish. I have decided that as I am not in pain or experiencing any sort of vertigo that whatever is going on will sort itself out. I am a great believer in letting my body sort itself out, mostly because I find going to the doctors too awkward and embarrassing.

Its worse here in Malaysia as there is one doctor on campus so unlike in the UK where you never see the same doctor or nurse twice, you always see the same guy here and he recognises you. He asks me about my long term condition. And its sweet, in a way, but not something I’m used to and it makes the visit all the more uncomfortable- I don’t like being forced to realize just how intimately the doctor knows me in some ways, like when in the UK you can see the doctors screen and you can see your medical history up for display and you just want to cringe, at all this deeply personal information reduced to an entry in a database that these doctors can read at will. Worse, you can see them type in what you are saying, and I always imagine them internally sighing, thinking that it is such a waste of time… as if, if I’m not physically dying then I am wasting their time. I feel like that.

Nonetheless, it is disconcerting only being able to truly hear out of one ear. Yesterday, an acquaintance was speaking to me and he offered to explain to me some lab work that I’d messed up yesterday and I badly wanted to say yes, please but instead I had to shake my head because I knew that with half my hearing being smothered in cotton wool, that I’d struggle to process the explanation. I was talking to my friend but I couldn’t angle myself in time to hear her, so I fumbled the conversation more than usual as I tried to reply without actually knowing what had been said. In labs earlier, my lab partner could not get my attention because he was sitting to the left of me. (It did not help that I was seriously zoned out, of course) It’s amazing how different everything is with one sense half gone and weirdly, its strange how easy it is to get used to it. I nearly flinched when my hearing returned fully earlier because everything seemed too loud for a moment.

Well, I still wish for it to return. I’ll happily get used to hearing properly again.

Some random thoughts:

1. University is still very slow. I don’t want to complain, as I really don’t want labs to start up or for classes to become more intense, but I can feel myself becoming much too lazy. As in, its becoming natural to be lazy, which it should not. Today I had my first class at 3pm and I was late- because i OVERSLEPT. :| I have also not been studying at all, which is terrible.

2. I finished God’s Quiz Season 3 today. I started season 1 towards the end of last week. Talk about an addictive drama. The 3 seasons came together so well, although all three could stand alone. Ryo Duk Hwan is amazing as the eccentric genius Dr Han. The show is flashy but in a highly enjoyable way- its easy to get caught up in the crazy rare diseases and crimes that (sometimes) suspend disbelief. Best of all is the ongoing thread of Dr Han’s mysterious disease. Crazy scientists and their mad schemes are definitely not the most believable of plots but they sure are fun. In season 1 and 2  Ahn Yong Joon was incredible as the deranged genius Ha Yoon and although the mad scientist of Season 3 wasn’t as interesting, the twist of what was happening to Dr Han because of his disease was fascinating and really creepy. I loved how the last episode just turned everything on its head. Was not expecting it AT ALL. The ending was awful though. HOW COULD THEY LEAVE IT THERE. There better be a fourth season coming soon.

3. Whilst on the subject off dramas can I also recommend The Thousandth Man? Its not perfect, but its a lovely attempt at doing something new with the gumiho legend. I just finished re-watching episode 3 which was just so touching.  I struggle to articulate my thoughts on this drama so let me link to this wonderful review. (skip to the end of the post for the review.)

4. I was surprised, and pleased, to find the God’s Quiz OST on amazon for a little over £1 for one song and its instrumental. Sadly their mp3 store is difficult to navigate and I cannot seem to stumble over any other kpop that I would want to purchase. Still,  its nice to know its probably there for a decent price, and without having to wait for anything to ship to me. (And yes I know, for someone my age I am very out of touch with modern ways of getting music. I still exist in the CD age D:)

5. I’ve been eating too much chocolate and junk food lately and generally wasting to much money on food. Food is very cheap in Malaysia, which was great when I first got here, although I was soon made to realize how much of a double edged sword that is. When my cravings for junk food got very bad in the UK I could usually refrain myself because of the price. Now, the food is cheap and 7-Eleven is right there in the center of campus where I pass everyday and … I need to fix this asap. I have a feeling I’ve posted this before, too, which is embarrassing if true. I really am not good at sticking to personal goals.

6. Also embarrassing: I cannot use chopsticks. Yes, I know even 3 year olds can use them these days but no matter how much I have tried in the past I could never get the hang of it. I am going to Japan in June though which has inspired me to properly try and learn. I bought some cheap chopsticks at TESCO and have been trying to eat my food with them, but it gets so frustrating when I am hungry and  I cannot pick up my food that I always end up back to using a fork. Somehow, I don’t think I am going to end up a master of these things by June. :/

“I looked out the window and said this doesn’t look that much different from home, because it didn’t, but then I noticed the black sky and all those lights.”

Monday 17th December, 8:38am

My Father just called me to tell me my Grandmother has passed away.

Is it bad that I’m not crying?

It doesn’t feel real…

Tuesday 18th December, 1.47am

I remember the second to last time I visited Cape Town. When was it? It must have been about 4 or 5 years ago now. I don’t know how old I was. I don’t remember much vividly, except for those last few minutes spent driving to the airport to the time sitting on the plane, sobbing miserably because I was afraid to leave.

We were driving to the airport at night. My grandparents were taking us in my Uncles car- I remember leather seats. Something nice. I looked out the window at the night view of Cape Town and was captivated by it. It was beautiful. It was my home. I thought about all the reasons I could not and would never live there again and felt immensely sad. At that time it hit me- would this be the last time I ever went there? I must have been doing my A levels, perhaps I was in year 13. Because i remember thinking about all the changes coming up in my life-  university, followed by a job most likely, and wondering where Cape Town would fit in. When would I find the time to return home? Would my dad be able to afford to fly us back again with both of his daughters at university (and him supporting us)? If I was able to come back in 5 years, like usual, just what kind of person would I be and what sort of things would have occurred in that time? I thought that I am growing older, but that does not matter, but it matters to my family. I wondered if it would be the last time I would ever see my grandparents and so, unable to get these kinds of thoughts out of my mind I spent the whole ride quietly staring out the window, trying to imprint that view on my mind, trying so hard not to cry. We got to the airport and I hugged my grandparents fiercely. My sister did so, too, obviously, and she was crying and did not want to let go. I let go. I continued to hold back tears. I stepped on the plane and sat down in my seat, buried my head in my hands and sobbed. (No, I did not care who saw or heard or what they thought of me. I was losing something, I didn’t not know what, I still don’t know what, and it was making me feel very, very sad)

I still can’t look at cities at night without, to quote Richard siken because it is so appropriate and sums it up so perfectly, thinking that it looks so much like home, except it doesn’t. It’s not home. I missed South Africa every time i looked out the train window at passing cities, their glittering lights, so, so. so wrong. Every time i saw that view I tasted that old sadness.

But this whole situation, of being South African but not, it was after then that I realised just how much I hated it. Just how much it felt like I had lost something I never had. Just how much I missed and ached for that something I could have had- that life i could have led, that person i could have been. And just how much it hurt not to know. all of it, so stupid and so easy to pick apart, to find the flaws in the arguments, and yet.

Whenever I thought of Cape Town, I felt sad.

Then, when my dad suddenly announced that we would be going back to Cape Town a couple years back I was ecstatic. Usually we go back every four or five years and we got to back in just two? It was amazing. I was so happy. So nervous at the same time. And also, relieved. I thought, ah, everything’s OK. Everything is how it should be. Gone were my negative thoughts of never seeing my grandparents again, of only returning to Cape Town as a stranger with no place to go, to an unfamiliar city that I had no connection any more. I stopped thinking about those what ifs- I did not think at any one point that would be the last time I saw my grandparents. I thought, no, everything was OK. Everything was at it should be. As it was and how it would be forever.

A few weeks OK my Dad phoned me to tell my Grandmother was sick. They’d found a tumour in her brain and it did not look good. They did not think she would make Christmas. How are you supposed to react such news? I said “oh, that’s terrible” and I’m sure I sounded cold but I felt  detached from the situation. It was happening so far away and it was thus so easy to pretend that it wasn’t. That is how I deal with all my problems- I will them away so I don’t have to deal with them. Still, that evening, I found myself start to cry, just suddenly in the middle of writing my lab report. I could not continue my report. I ate doughnuts until I felt like I was going to throw up.I hated myself for that.

From then on, I started to check my phone obsessively, waiting for news.

My dad sent my regular updates, all of them much the same. Things do not look good. The unspoken I pretended not to recognise- prepare for the worst. its inevitable, now.

My mom flew back to Cape Town on a flexible ticket, to stay for 2 months, perhaps less , perhaps more. I felt happy for her, relived to hear that. My mom deserved to be with her family. Again, the unspoken undercurrent, the thought I would not dwell on, she deserved to be with her mother when she died. 

I carried on with everything like usual. Its was so much easier to deal with by not thinking of it. I thought about sending my grandmother a text, an email- but what would I say? I’d never dealt with this before.

My Grandparents have always been healthy. And when they weren’t, they were there and I was here and it was all happening so far away- and whenever I saw them they always seemed so strong. Perhaps I was again pretending not to notice them growing fragile as age began to take its grip on them. Perhaps its simply because I see them so infrequently that I could put it down to my own hazy memory. This is how they have always been, don’t you remember?

A week ago, things were getting worse.

I started sobbing uncontrollably one night, and ended up reading through Richard Sikens Crush in one sitting, curled up around the book in the dark, reading by torchlight. It was only after I read the whole book that I managed to get myself under control.

Still, by the next morning I was OK. It still wasn’t happening.

Then, this morning I woke up, feeling sick and tired from a night of being unable to sleep and a lingering remnant of a bad dream. I had 2 missed calls. Sleepily I turned on my laptop and checked my emails. There was only the one- from my dad, telling me that he and my sister have put up the Christmas tree and lights. I noticed my sister looking a bit strange in the photo, eyes red, smile a bit forced, but I put it down to too strong light from the flash of the camera. I was relieved, thinking that the trivial, happy news about the Christmas decorations was all there was.

My dad phoned again. We chatted pleasantly about this and that. I laughed. I made jokes. Talked about trivial things. Then, a pause, and my dad said “The reason I am phoning”, something along those lines. Even when delivering bad news, my father is always polite.

My Grandmother is dead.

“Seriously?” I said and hated myself a little.

Then, again “oh”

My dad sounded concerned when he hung up. He knows me well.

I didn’t cry. I went to my morning lecture, sat and zoned out like always. I went to my next lecture but by this point I was tired and my thought were too demanding. I felt like doing something so I went back to my room and worked on my lab report. I still did not cry. I went to my afternoon tutorial next. It was very boring. I spent it juggling between reading and copying the answers down. I was samping a book and was pleased to find it was good. After lectures I went to the computer room to print out some work. I bumped into an acquaintance and he asked me questions and I answered in monosyllables. Afterwards, my brain supplied the better, polite answers. But I was tired. I thought to myself that I would simply not have the energy to speak those words out loud even if I had thought them at a better time. I printed out the stuff and was annoyed to find they had printed wrong, but it seemed too much effort to print them again so I just shoved it in my bag to be dealt with later, and then I went back to my room and did some work on my other lab work. Then, I rushed out and went grocery shopping. I stopped at Secret Recipe (a western cafe/restaurant here) before going to Tesco. I had Graptetizer and Arrabiata pasta. It was delicious and even if I wasn’t hungry, I ate it all and enjoyed it. I smiled a little when I saw the graptetizer was made in South Africa. I walked across the parking lot to Tesco, once again marvelling at how I live here. Here, in Malaysia. I headed up to Tesco feeling pleasantly full and quite light hearted. I put together food for Christmas- I was looking forward to cooking again, even if it was in a student kitchen with limited appliances. I picked out a pot and bought a sharp knife to cut up vegetables, I allowed myself a big bar of chocolate (the biggest I could find) and a jumbo can of pringles as a christmas treat. I came back and unloaded everything. I bumped into my friend and we tried a Chinese desert she had bought, that turned out to be plain silken tofu and neither of us liked it very much. She gave me a mangosteen. I sat and watched kpop videos as I happily ate some fresh fruit (but not the mangosteen. that was slimy and strange) I did a bit more work on my lab work. Then I took a shower and now, here I am, writing this…

It was an ordinary day. so ordinary.

How does one grieve? I feel like I’m doing it wrong somehow. Everyone in dramas is always weeping. I cried a little writing this but that is the only amount I have cried today. Am I doing it wrong? Even if they do not weep they show some kind of emotion. Do I dishonour the dead by being so cold and detached? I don’t know, I’ve never dealt with this. I’ve never lost anyone…

It just doesn’t feel real. and I don’t want it to.

Tuesday 18th December, 2.55am

I hesitated posting this. Then I realized I have posted things just as grim and personal before on this blog, so why not. I am sorry for lack of updates here. University is manic and now this… I will try and get the Korea posts done, because I really want to get those done, and hopefully in the new year I will be able to put more effort into this place.

Now, I should really get to bed and try and get some sleep. I actually have a test tomorrow afternoon…

The PVs for Jolin Tsai’s new album (muse) are terribly strange, but the album itself is incredible. I’ve had Dr. Jolin on repeat for days. I think its possibly my favourite of the new tracks. and I think the PV is also one of the most watchable of the bunch- it is wierd, but in a quirky, fun way and I love the choreography. Of course there are some boring ballads but most albums have those. I last listened to Jolin Tsai about 4 years ago but with the release of this album she certainly has my attention again.