secret garden
I don’t usually watch Korean dramas. I usually start Korean dramas (or Japanese or Taiwanese dramas) and then give up after the first episode, or maybe get a ‘whole’ 5 episodes into it. Very rarely do I start a drama and actually finish it. Recent examples of dramas I enjoyed so much I actually finished would be My country Calls, Hotaru no Hikaru 2 and the woman who still wants to marry. I also recently finished Secret Garden and I admit at one point I was pretty obsessive about this drama- more than others- I’d watch previews and read spoilers, watch the raw, watch the quick release sub, then watch it a third time with a better sub. The first few episodes of this drama were golden. OK, the episodes where Joo won and Ra im switched were golden; I haven’t laughed that hard in ages. However at some point I think this drama went from awesome to just OK for me. I realised around episode 10 that although I was having fun watching it, there was little point to it. Nothing was really happening and nothing really made sense. Around episode 15 (was it?) the excessive ridiculous melodrama hit and made me go “What?”. Then the last episode was so fluffy and adorable and I was grinning like a fool whilst also being like “What?”. Really, in the end this drama makes me conflicted. Some bits were so good and others were so ridiculous (and well, not-so-good). I don’t know what to feel about it! I understand the hype around this drama, for once I understand the hype. It wasn’t a waste of my time and I enjoyed this drama, and hey I finished it! The actors and actresses, all of them, made this drama  as well as the pretty cinematography and some of the script was damn awesome (coffee kiss anyone?). Not to mention the amazing OST. But I think its in some ways it was disappointing simply because it could have been so much more. It was fun whilst it lasted but I’m quickly forgetting all about it.

(Also Oska/Taesun fangirl here and may I just say I clung to that ship even when it had already sunk… around about the time when taesun was introduced T___T Taesun ended up being such a plot device, if that. T__T )

Keep Your Head Down

DBSK, Keep Your Head Down (live) – RETURN OF THE KINGS. This performance is just perfect. I’m getting amazing flashbacks of the mirotic comeback and how dbsk took kpop by storm. I think homin are going to do the same. The thing about dbsk is that as a group they were amazing but that was due partly to the fact that each member was in his own right talented and charismatic. On their own, or rather as a group of two and three they can still dominate the stage. Homin’s stage presence is incredible in this performance. They nail the dance and the song sounds almost exactly like the recording- except they are singing live (I think?). I admit I didn’t love the song at first- rather there were bits I loved and bits that made me frown (in particular the return of yunho’s nasally rapping ala purple line) but I’ve grown to love it. I’ve come to the conclusion that this song is really powerful, it suits them and it certainly makes a statement. I’m so happy Homin are back and I can’t wait to see future performances.


I used to be one of those people who wished in the new year everything would somehow change and become better. The past couple of years I’ve done my best to stop thinking this way. Things won’t change magically as the next year rolls around. Instead of making new years resolutions why not set goals right now? If you’re unhappy there is nothing you can do in the new year that you can do right this moment. Despite that I am in some ways looking forward to 2011 cos of all the things coming up in it. At the same time the thought of all those things happening in 2011 makes me petrified. 2011 is gonna be a continuation of 2010- another year of moving forward, growing up and wading into unfamiliar territories despite really not wanting to (until you’re up to your neck in it and close to drowning). I’m looking at 2011 in a kind of nervous, anxious, hopeful way: scared but determined to do my best.

I don’t have any big goals right now. In September maybe I imagined all those things I would do this year but not anymore. I’m keeping it small and manageable: concentrate on uni, do my best and work hard to get the best grades I can. That is all I want from the first half of 2011. The rest will come later.

“If you want to succeed in your life, remember this phrase: The past does not equal the future. Because you failed yesterday; or all day today; or a moment ago; or for the last six months; the last sixteen years; or the last fifty years of life, doesn’t mean anything… All that matters is: What are you going to do, right now?”

(via thinkings)



I was cleaning the kitchen earlier when it hit me- just how much I’m one of those people who will do everything in her power to put something off to the last minute. The only reason I was cleaning the kitchen was because it had gotten to the point where there was no workspace left and I was drinking juice out of mugs because all the cups were dirty. Its the same with other chores. I’ll only clean my room when there isn’t a clear pathway from the door to my computer (aka you cannot walk from end to the other), I’ll only sort out my clothes if I can’t find that one top I know I have but yet cannot see anywhere, I’m only contemplating cleaning the bathroom because there is some weird green stuff by the tap and it looks kind of gross. I am not unclean but I am far from clean. I will do the chores, but I will put them off as much as I possibly can. I don’t just do them for the sake of it, I wait until the mess cannot physically be ignored. If that makes me a little gross and horrible to live with then fine but its not like nothing gets done. it all gets done eventually.

Eventually. I am quite incredibly lazy. And an expert in the art of procrastination.

I am like this in other aspects. I finished my violin lessons earlier this year around September and I promised to keep in touch with my music teacher. I felt a bit nervous about what to say in the email and I got a bit worked up about it so I put it off and thus I have only just emailed her- in December. That’s what- nearly 3 months? :| I was learning to drive this year, just my theory nothing more, but I grew to dislike it so I took a night off and now it’s been about a month and I haven’t touched it again and most likely  I’ve forgotten the little I did learn. When it comes to uni work I procrastinate and put it off until oh shit the deadline is only a week away and then I panic a little and rush to do what I need to do. I am not entirely sure this is the right approach to take- especially when it comes to revision. The worst thing that comes from not cleaning the kitchen is having to drink juice out a mug instead of a cup, but bad things happen when you put off university work. Things like failure. I have an exam in January. Somehow all I can think is ehh, it’s January. it’s ages away.

My attitude to exams and revision is terrible, even after all this time.

So note to self: DO YOUR DAMN WORK. January is not that far away. Just look at how quickly December came and is currently going.