Leaving for a long holiday and thus a hiatus

Things have been very hectic over the past few days as my family and I rush around trying to get organized and pack for our holiday. My dad in particular is currently getting very stressed, which is amusing but also a little scary as he’s usually a very, very calm person. Unbelievably we leave in a few hours- well we leave for the airport at 3am which isn’t that far at all. (And boy, am I not looking forward to getting up then after very little sleep…) I am currently taking a break from packing (read: finding an excuse to procrastinate). Although I am almost packed and ready.Almost. I better get back to it.

Basically, blog is on hiatus as I’ll soon be off to South Africa and Zimbabwe for a month. : )

“The moon turns its clockwork dream”

I haven’t blogged in quite a while, have I? Currently I am free of university which means I am free from the only thing that got me out the house and well, living my life. Right now I am basically sitting around at home watching lots of dramas. Thankfully this drama season is kind of brilliant. Best love, Romance Town, Drunken to Love you, Lie to me and BOSS 2 are my current lineup, as well as catching up on older dramas that I never got around to like Coffee house. I am quite sure my tolerance level for crap is significantly lowered by how bored I am but whatever. It fills time. I have a lot of time. And there is definitely such a thing as too much free time. I am becoming a zombie, mindlessly going through the motions every day. I have barely left my house in weeks. I sleep too much. I eat too much. I sit in front of the computer all day and at night I stay up until early morning reading fanfic on my phone. I am pretty much in hibernation mode until I go on holiday. This, of course, does not make for good blog material. I have a few random ideas for posts on other things like dramas and music and beauty but I feel lazy. Like, really really lazy. So I may update soon but I may not. Just wanted to let any potential readers know.


I have a habit of leaving things until the last minute. If I’m nervous about something or it’s a task I don’t particularly want to do or find difficult I’ll put it off, procrastinate and pretend it doesn’t exist and in the end I’m sitting worrying about whether I’ll be able to make a deadline or not.  I never plan things out well enough (or rather, set aside time for things to go not to plan). The current situation I have gottten myself in is that I am waiting for some important email responses to come through and I realised belatedly I’d sent the emails probably far too late and now I don’t know what to do. The deadline is Thursday. There’s no one to blame but myself. You have no idea how annoyed I am at myself right now.

“But then I noticed the black sky and all those lights.”

Recently my father informed me that he was arranging for us (us being my family and I) to take a trip back home to South Africa. I am not sure how to feel about this. It is sudden and unexpected and wonderful but utterly terrifying. It’s been about four years since we last been back, maybe five. I’ve lost count. I remember clearly last time sat in the back of my uncles car, staring out at the city lights and the black sky and feeling sad, lonely and lost, thinking that it could possibly be the last time I ever went home, that I ever saw Cape Town again. I wanted to cry, and that journey was painfully slow. I was still struggling not to cry hugging my grandparents goodbye, sitting on the plane heading back to this place. Even now looking out the window seeing the city lights spread out into the distance makes me sad. So it’s amazing that I have the opportunity to go back once more. I vaguely remember last time was good and I’m looking forward to seeing my family again, of course. But at the same time I feel nervous and scared. I don’t know my extended family. I’ve never had the chance to be close to my grandparents, or my uncles or aunts or cousins. I don’t even know how normal relationships with relatives are supposed to be? How do other people view their grandparents? Do other people view their cousins as friends, brothers/sisters, people that they care about but are ultimately annoying? I wouldn’t know. I only see my relatives every 4 or 5 years. I feel scared seeing them again, scared of it being awkward and strange being around them and surely its not supposed to be like that? How are other people with their relatives? I don’t know, I don’t know. I love my relatives I do and I know they love me but I don’t know them, they don’t really know me. They last saw me when I was so young, now I am almost an adult. Is it going to be awkward? It’s going to be awkward isn’t it? I don’t know what to think about going back. I never expected it to happen and now that it is I just don’t know what to feel.

(Also on a purely superficial note it’s always somewhat scary leaving behind the routine, thinking about the fact I cannot laze around comfortably by myself wasting time watching millions of dramas, thinking about having to use someone else’s bathroom, sleeping in a different bed. Its always strange leaving home for a little bit and living in someone else’s house. I always feel like I am interrupting someone else’s life, imposing on them. its not like a hotel where you can run yourself a deep bath knowing the bathtub is clean and your father won’t nag you for wasting water, where you can keep the light on as long as you like and put the TV as loud as you like, that you can be as messy as you like as long as you tidy up in the end. It’s not like you are at home where you can retreat to your room and put your headphones on to shut everything out when you don’t want to talk to anyone, or that you can argue with your parents when they are being irritating. It’s someone else’s home and in a way you must be even more conscious of how you act. And I’m going to have to be surrounded by my family constantly which I’m sad to say, kind of fills me with dread.)

Basically: I’m so, so excited about going on holiday to South Africa this summer but at the same time so very nervous.

This comic made me lol and also made me think of my own cat. My cat, the cute thing that she is, has a habit of stretching out and rolling on her back and then just as you accept the invitation and reach out to stroke her tummy she attacks you. It’s actually great fun attacking her tummy then drawing back justfastenough that she misses. Other cute habits my cat has is: following me literally everywhere, getting excited whenever I open tins/pouches/packets, going crazy over ham and cheese, falling asleep on the end of my bed and snoring, chasing after anything vaguely string like (including her own tail) etc. Cats are a lot of fun, in their own lazy find-them-asleep-in-a-warm-place-most-of-the-time kind of way.