Boku to Star no 99 Nichi was a drama I was looking forward to since I first heard about it. A beautiful star falls in love with her average joe bodyguard? Hell yeah! I love these kind of uninspired plot lines, if done well, and will never get tired of them. I finally got around watching to it and while I can’t say this drama is anything amazing, I still love it. I like that its just a cheesy, cliche riddled, predictable little rom com and its not trying to do anything more. It doesn’t take itself too seriously and its not ridiculously angsty,  and I hope it stays that way. Thus far, it’s a fun series to kill time with. The acting is overall OK, the music is gorgeous, and its pretty to look at. Plus it doesn’t seem to be dragging plot wise which is always appreciated.

What really makes this drama though are the wonderful characters. I admit to loving fried tofu quite a lot. I’ve only ever seen Sasaki Kuranosuke in the serious role of Hancho, and I admit I’m finding it hilarious to see him as Takanabe. What a nutcase, but he’s so harmless you can’t help but love him. I love his friendship with Kouhei (although its probably not a good thing they seem to have more chemistry together sometimes than either of them do with kim tae hee…). I love Kim Tae Hee here too. Not only is she looking gorgeous, but I find her character adorable, and I really admire her for obviously putting in so much effort to speak Japanese. I also like the way they work in the cultural differences- her cooking and making the food too hot, or not understanding certain words sometimes. I think they’ve handled it well. I find some of the side characters a bit of a plot device (the kids mostly) and wish that they didn’t spend so much time on them but its OK.

I could really ramble about this drama for a long time. I’m enjoying it, cliche’s and ridiculousness and all.

protect the boss

I don’t usually like to post about dramas while I’m watching them. It’s almost like I’m scared of jinxing it- I rave about how awesome it is, only for something to go wrong and suddenly its not quite as enjoyable. However I have to rave about this drama because currently airing Protect the Boss is so awesome. This show is nothing original, but its done very, very well. It takes a cliche premise and turns it into something thoughtful, clever, witty, funny, romantic, and in-touch-with-reality. There is a brilliant, sly sense of humor to the show- nothing slapstick or in your face but still it manages to be completely hilarious at times. I love all the characters- all of them. The things they do and say, and the way they react, are very human. There are no villains, not even the rich chaebol parents. The bitchy chaebol mothers are so harmless, and so amusing, that I find myself liking even them.

As for the main characters? Na Yoon may be proud and selfish, but she is also vulnerable. I liked her when I saw her crying in the bathroom, and then the ice cream scene? Where she is even shocked she would do such a thing? Priceless. I think she is endearing and I find myself rooting for her to end up with someone, even just a friend. (I actually hope that she and Eun Seol become friends.) Mu Won is ambitious, but at the same time he is not devoid of humanity- he is not cruel and he won’t take things too far. I’m fairly sure he’s been heavily influenced by his mothers own views too. I find him cute, although the fact that’s it Jaejoong may make me biased. Ji Heon is intelligent but doesn’t have the confidence, and is hindered by his condition. Mostly I love that he is not conceited- he knows that he has flaws, and that his money and background do not automatically make him better than others. And Eun Seol, oh Eun Seol. Such a strong heroine compared to our weak (and slightly pathetic) hero. I adore how even though she has two rich men after her, she’s not interested; she’d much rather keep the job she had worked so hard for, and live ordinarily. She is not about to give up her own dreams and ambitions easily. “I like myself” – how often do you hear a drama heroine utter such words?  Ji heons and Eun Seol’s friendship develops so naturally, and is so precious, that I cannot wait to see them become lovers and I can believe in their relationship. It helps that both Ji Sung and Choi Kang Hee are talented, experienced actors who express their characters flawlessly.

The family dynamics are also well done and one of the many things I find myself enjoying – from the immature moments between the chairman and his sister in law, to Ji Heon and Mu Won being childish and play fighting together, to the petty rivalry among them all (and the tough grandma keeping them under check).  The chaebol family are delightfully ordinary behind closed doors. Most of all I love the pacing of the show, how misunderstandings don’t get dragged out for episodes; people will sit down and they talk things out, or argue, even apologize and admit to their mistakes (I grinned like an idiot when Ji Heon’s dad apologised to his son for slapping him. And then when Ji Heon apologised to Eun Seol for grabbing her wrist and dragging her into the car. No hero ever does that and it always looks so painful ¬__¬)  Every thing about this drama is so wonderfully done, so natural and real. The only thing I could pick on is the bland OST- too little songs used too many times – but that’s just one tiny thing. This is truly such an enjoyable drama. I could go on and on about it tbh, I’ve already turned this into a ridiculously long post.

I am hoping desperately this drama stays this wonderful, and doesn’t become an overly melodramatic mess as it moves into its final episodes. Bring on Wednesday (and Thursday).

T-ARA, Roly-Poly in Copacabana – I have been more than a little addicted to this song lately. When I first heard it I thought it was ridiculous and annoying and then I listened to it again and well… it grew on me. It’s stuck in my head now and I’ve grown to love the retro theme. It makes me laugh, but in a good way. It’s fun and different and kinda bold because I’ve seen these kind of moves used as gags on variety shows. Posting the copacabana version because it’s my favorite of the zillion pvs and possibly my favourite version of the song.

Vanilla Biscuits

Baked some biscuits this afternoon using a recipe from my Granny. I’ve eaten these throughout my childhood so safe to say, they’re a favourite. The recipe for these biscuits I had pinned on my notice board for about 3 years. Then I changed my noticeboard, put the recipe away in a safe place and of course, lost it. The things you put away carefully will travel to Narnia, whilst that you chuck on your floor or in the nearest available free space will get in the way and never be lost. It’s a law of the universe that isn’t it? Or is that just me being hopeless like always? Anyway, whilst on holiday I made sure to ask my Gran for her recipes, including these. These biscuits are just simple vanilla biscuits. They were terrible easy to make, though I had some trouble at the end using the biscuit press to actually form the biscuits. I had to call on my dad, who then phoned my gran, in order to get it to work. My dad and I had some minor arguments but we figured it out eventually. I love having a biscuit press. Even though at first it’s tricky, once you get how it works then it makes the whole process of shaping biscuits so quick and easy! I got a load of different templates but I chose a plain and boring one for today XD Then I cooked them and then I ate them and I can say they turned out pretty good. Almost exactly like my Gran makes them :D Next time I am adding cherries on top for a bit of extra decoration and taste though, and I also need to make the spice version and chocolate version of these. Yum.


I went through and cleared out my old review blog today, a year and then some after I should of done it.  I had it on hiatus with the intention of updating it again or closing it down but eventually I just forgot about it. It’s all deleted now though.

I was looking through all my old reviews as I deleted them and they aren’t something to write home about, but some aren’t bad and I can just tell how much time I spent on them. I must of been crazy, writing those long paragraphs about every song on a 10+ track album. You know- I spent so much time writing them and they aren’t even that good. That kinda sucks. I’ m glad I finally wiped them off the Internet although wayback machine and google cache might still cling to it. After all the Internet never forgets, for bad or for worse. I’m sure I could find my very old websites, from 2005 when I believed I could make awesome graphics and neopets was still cool. Man, I don’t even want to know. It’s embarrassing thinking about all the websites I used to run, and the things I used to post, the user names and alias I used, and the terrible graphics I used to make and promote as if they were the ‘best thing ever!!!” gah. I hated my 13 year old self in so many ways.

Then again sometimes even looking at blog entries from a few weeks back makes me cringe and I find myself fighting not to just erase it. Sometimes I go through a phase where I hate my website entirely and I just want to erase it all. I am clearly too attached to this old domain that I a) think about these things at all and b) never actually get rid of it. Although I guess I did enjoy it all at the time. It was fun creating those graphics and writing those reviews. I used to love writing about the things I listened to and the things I read. It used to be a great way to take my mind off everything, and it’s not like I could talk to my friends about gackt or ayumi hamasaki or any of the artists I listen to. That remains the same so in a way I still do, enjoy the whole writing my opinions about media thing, but I don’t think I could ramble on like I did a year ago. I find it increasingly difficult to express my opinions, even in 140 words. Especially now. I’m not very confident in myself right now,  with the approach of university and the start of my degree, among other things.

I do wonder when I will get tired of this blogging thing. It’s the one thing that has stuck with me, even as I got bored of the neopets and the graphics and the fanlistings and the reviews.  Sometimes it’s awkward, sometimes I have ideas for a post but no matter what I write it all comes out weird and awkward. But it remains fun to maintain this blog, to write about my life and the things I like and scribble down all those thoughts. I guess as long as it remains something fun then I’ll keep doing it. Reviewing was no longer fun, and although I still enjoy playing around making crappy graphics its much more fun just to do it for myself than to share them on any website.