On giving up

I think I want to quit learning Japanese.

But at the same time I’m not sure if I can.

It feels terrible and wrong to even think it, let alone put it out to the world like this.

I developed an interest in Japan when I was a teenager, and when I could finally begin to learn Japanese when I started university it felt like a dream come true. I’d tried self-study as a teen and I was terrible at it and I thought that the structure of classes would solve all my problems. I took classes in my first year, my third and fourth years too and so it only seemed natural to look for classes when I moved to this new city for work. So I did. So I am. The thing is, maybe classes worked for a while, but ultimately learning a language, as with learning all things, takes a fuck tonne of discipline, motivation and self-study. And I just cannot anymore. After 4-5 years of study I am burnt out and fed up.

And it makes me feel awful. I am very good at starting things, and then backing off once they get difficult. I tried to learn horse-riding, but I felt anxious around the horses and didn’t like my teacher so I quit. I tried to learn musical instruments, but I didn’t have the confidence to practice or perform so I failed and I quit in shame of my failure. I tried to join societies at university – I tried archery, I tried badminton, I tried charity, I tried hill walking. I didn’t last a year in any of them. I am a master of starting things and never fucking finishing them. Japanese is the thing I’ve stuck with the longest. My love of Japanese and Japanese culture has defined my teenage years through to the beginnings of my adulthood. I have told everyone possible I am learning Japanese and how much I love Japan. I have been to Japan twice – both of which were significant investment. Actually, on that note, learning a language is a serious investment. I have spent hundreds of pounds on classes and textbooks and bus journeys to get to class. And ultimately all this, for what.

I am in a very frustrating place with Japanese now – with a basic grasp of the language but unable to quite push through to the intermediate level. I never study enough though.(Though I will never understand how much is ‘enough’…always feels like there’s more.) I don’t want to; I don’t particularly enjoy it and I don’t particularly want to do it after a long day of work (I tried to study during my lunch breaks but work has been too full on lately that I haven’t been able to, and I can’t use my commute as I get travel sick when reading on buses.) But aren’t we told that the best things in life are the results of struggles and hard work? If it’s easy, then it’s not worth it? So I should struggle even though I’m miserable, for the sweetness of the reward?

What is that reward though, when learning a language for no real reason other than the love of it? I am not going to use Japanese for business reasons, I am not going to live in Japan, when I travel to Japan it’s easier and quicker to speak English (the Japanese grasp of English is significantly better than my clumsy attempts at communication in their language) (And I doubt I could afford another trip to Japan any time soon anyway.) It’s pretty fun to understand bits and pieces of the Japanese music and dramas I watch, but I feel like learning the language has in some ways ruined those for me – I’m too busy trying to translate, but not quite able to, that I end up completely distracted from my listening and enjoyment of said media. It’s really frustrating.

My love hasn’t died but I am starting to resent it somewhat. Why did I have to love this thing and what can I do to stop. It breaks my heart to think about this thing that was so precious, that defined me, my choices, and saved me in this manner, become an object of such resentment, to have faded. (Both trips to Japan were taken during two of the lowest points of my life, and they transformed me. My love of Japan has kept me going, a bright hope in dark times, something to look forward to, and something to love amongst all the bleak things. I loved it very much, especially my classes during university. I remember how at the end of the semester we would go out to eat as a group and even though I usually hate socializing it was so much fun to be surrounded by people like me, who loved other cultures, who had travelled and loved to do so, who loved Japan. Those moments when I am listening to a Japanese song and I understand a line, or I can understand a food item on a menu in a Japanese restaurant I feel so happy and proud.) I don’t like feeling this way about something I love, but at the same time maybe I am supposed to feel this way – that my love should be painful and it should be difficult because only then is it worth it? Again, I come back to this idea of no pain, no gain. It makes me feel so lazy and worthless to want to give up because it’s difficult. That’s it, isn’t it? Ultimately I am trying to make excuses for my own laziness – like all those other hobbies mentioned above. Like come on self, stop being a baby. That’s the whole point. You’re learning something here, that’s gotta hurt.

And because it feels like I should be doing something like this in my free time. Without Japanese, all my hobbies will be strictly home based and solitary and am I allowed that? And I think I will miss it – being around these like-minded people, hearing their stories. And then the fear kicks in – of that black dog sleeping deep within my soul, beginning to stir. Is this depression coming back, this lack of motivation? This desire to just chill at home by myself with a book or a drama? Is it depression to feel this demotivated? Am I letting my mental health stop me from something amazing here? Is it my mental health saying no to this or is it me? It’s a terrible thing to not be able to trust your own brain, your own heart.

I have a test tomorrow for Japanese. I haven’t studied. After all else failed, I decided to self sabotage. I will fail and then of course I will have to quit from the embarrassment/shame of failure.

Or will I? Do I say OK, this was a bad year make some lists as to why and start over again, retaking this year once more, trying again (actually trying!) to complete this level next year?

What for?

What am I trying to prove, and to who, by clinging onto this?

I don’t know why I am doing this anymore.

It’s stressing me out so much.

“Warm spring that left, won’t you come back to me?”

The past weeks have been swinging between extreme highs and extreme lows. Work is…there is a situation I cannot talk about but which is crushing me right now. I am stressed out and anxious. But in other ways things are good right now – my flat is not looking like a complete disaster for once, I have been getting into reading again and enjoying some good dramas too, my neighbour’s cat has taken to coming into my flat and letting me play with him and cuddle him, and I’ve had some pretty good weekends spent actually doing stuff and not holed up at home feeling sorry for myself (see: work.)

One of my goals when I moved to this city was to take advantage of the cultural elements available to me, and take advantage of my salary, to see more shows. I love going to the theatre to see ballets, plays and operas and I don’t do it nearly enough. So I’m doing something about that now. Opera North are currently hosting a Fairy Tale season and I’ve got tickets to them all. I love fairy tales, especially the dark originals. For these shows too, I admit I was drawn in by the posters, which show the main characters in traditional costuming, although I have been confused as to how different the operas are turning out to the posters. (Very confused.) Anyway, I also bought tickets for Turandot in May. This gives me something to look forward to in these stressful times, and gets me out the house, which is also good (see: no moping.) It’s not too expensive either. After all, you can get a seat for just £15, and I bought a three opera package which meant that both Hansel and Gretel and Cinderella were £13.70 each! (Lets not talk about how expensive Turandot was even with a three opera discount – I wanted a good seat and I better have got one!)

So, the other weekend I saw the first of the fairy tales: the Russian “Snow Maiden”. My sister came up to my city and we went out to supper and then to see the show and it was all awesome. The Snow Maiden was extremely odd – it felt like it should have been sung in Russian, and the costumes were a bizarre mix of traditional and modern that made little sense (I don’t get why the Snow Maiden was in jeans for nearly the entire show whilst all the other characters got to change into different costumes. It was in stark contrast to the beautiful dress that Snow Maiden is wearing in the posters for the show. Shouldn’t the main character be the most beautiful, the one that stands out the most?) But it was short and funny and wonderful. My sister and I went shopping the next day which was also great fun.

I went to see the second of the fairy tales last weekend: the German “Hansel and Gretel”. This was a full on modern production of the opera. Again not as advertised, at all, though I did end up loving it. The music was stunning, and the opera itself was…surreal. It was very odd and slightly disturbing (young children singing happily after brutally burning to death a witch OK then) but it felt true to the dark spirit of the original fairy tale. I thought it was a more successful modern rendition of the opera than the Snow Maiden – the snow maiden swung between traditional and modern, which was confusing, but this one went all out modern. So OK. It was also hilarious… and I loved some of the odd details, like the witches wand being an electric beater (so random) and the use of video and cameras. It was really great. I also appreciated that it was also short – as much as I enjoyed 5 hours of parsifal, it can be a big demand on your time to sit through such a long show! I missed my sister, my default show-going partner, but she let me text her throughout the evening so it was like she was right there with me anyway. :)

I am looking forward to Cinderella, although I was drawn in to that by the gorgeous poster (the dreamy dress Cinderella is wearing, with bare feet) and from these two I can tell already that the actual product is going to be very different. Cinderella will at least be sung in the traditional Italian. Both Snow Maiden and Hansel and Gretel were in English. :( I can understand that for accessibility and drawing younger crowds (a goal of this opera season, if I’m reading the programmes correctly) it makes sense to present the operas in their English versions, but one thing I enjoy about the opera is getting to hear different languages. I would have loved to have heard Russian. Oh well.

This weekend though I am…actually holed up at home. I had plans to go out and buy some more fish, but it’s too cold and miserable. Winter is starting to get to me – dark mornings, grey, dull days and then it’s only a matter of time before its dark again. Last weekend there was actually some sunshine and I felt optimistic that spring may have finally started to come…the bulbs are starting to show… surely it should be time? I need some sunshine already. I’m starting to get cabin fever. I pace through my own flat, filled with restless energy. That’s maybe just the anxiety though. I wish work would be better. Then everything would be so great. I suppose it’s an impossible dream to want everything to be going perfectly well at all times. Come spring, hopefully things can settle down at least. Being pushed to these extremes, often quickly, is exhausting. I try on focus on all the good things going on in my life right now, those highs, but the stress of the lows leaves me so tired out and makes even being happy feel too effortful.


uri_mh1485609115393I am not very good at DIY. Understatement. I have no idea what I’m doing for even the smallest tasks. I would like to be more independent so I’m trying to learn – to change lightbulbs, build flat pack furniture, and now, hanging pictures. My sister has a scratch map and as soon as I saw it I knew I wanted one. I knew I wanted the deluxe version with the gorgeous combination of black and gold. I thought I’d put it in a black frame but that seemed so dull, so I looked for a gold frame instead. Unable to find one I thought I’d just paint a white one. So my tasks were thus – buy neccesary supplies, prepare and paint the frame, and finally hang the complete product on the wall.

It went wrong almost straight away. I went to B&Q (hardware store) and picked up items, wasn’t sure if they were what I needed, phoned my dad and was told that yes, those are the wrong items, you need more items, and you can make it much more cost efficient too. 😳 I wandered the aisles of B&Q for ages with my phone glued to my ear, juggling all my items, looking lost, confused and out of place. I was all those things. I came for paint, a brush, a steel ruler and a hammer and left with – a 50 piece tool kit, a brush, paint, sandpaper, a steel ruler. Yeah. “You’re starting DIY for the first time?” The woman at the till asked me as she began to scan my items. I laughed “Is it obvious?”

I started the night I bought my items. I sanded the frame lightly (probably too lightly, in hindsight. My frame is bad quality and I was scared it would break!) and then put on the first coat of paint. This was a Friday. Over the weekend I put two more layers of paint. By Sunday it was looking very gold, and a little streaky, but also kind of awesome. I tried to put the scratch map in but it was a little too narrow for the frame and kept falling out. I tried to use double sided tape to stick it to the backboard, which barely worked. Then I hung it. I…Didn’t measure where to hang it. I thought I could just eyeball it. Big mistake. I successfully hammered in the picture frame hook, got it up and realised it was completely off center , relative to the bed below it.

But it was up. I had done it.

I was very proud of myself, despite how imperfect an installation it was.

The final step was to get hold of some black card and make a frame to hold it in place. Obviously I couldn’t use the plastic sheet the frame had come with as it would cover the map, which I needed to access to scratch off the places I have been. Double sided tape was not working and I was worried would eventually damage the map anyway. Glue would be too permanent and also damaging. So I got some card and cut it … Unfortunately I have to cover the bottom of the map in a big way for stability but I figured I could use that space to list my trips or something like that (maybe just a title?) At least now I don’t need glue, tape or anything. The map is securely held as is, and you can’t see the gap on the sides where the map doesn’t quite fill the frame.

All in all this was expensive and time consuming. The result is flawed. But I am still ridiculously proud of myself. I did need to phone my dad…A lot but otherwise I did it all myself . :D

New Year


Needless Alley, Birmingham

Christmas turned out to be as expected – very quiet, but nice. We followed our plans – Christmas morning, my parents and I packed up the presents in bags, boxed up the food and drove to my sister’s house. My sister had put a lot of effort into making up her house for our family celebrations: she’d put up a tree, and set the table beautifully.

We opened presents and then set about making lunch, eating lunch, and then lazing around after lunch and finishing up with a family game of scrabble, where my sister won over me by 3 points. (3 points!) My sister’s cat was at first overwhelmed, but then quite happy to hang around us, which was cute. By the end of the day she even tentatively came to sit next to me. I got some good presents this year – mostly stuff for my home, as usual. (That’s not an unhappy as usual. I usually request things for my home – it’s interesting to see how people interpret it, and adding those different touches to my house. I like filling my house with things that have an association with a loved one, and/or a pleasant memory.) It was a nice day, but I was exhausted by the evening; as an introvert I can’t take so long spent around people, even my own family. Usually on Christmas I try to retreat in the afternoon, and reappear in the evening. As I was at my sisters house I didn’t feel comfortable roaming around, or retreating, and I felt a pressure to socialise. So I did not get my retreat and recharge time, and it was a little uncomfortable.

Thankfully, for boxing day I could stay at home and ignore everyone. :P


Turtle in a Santa Hat

The next day my sister and I went to Birmingham together. We shopped the sales a bit, had a meal and then went to Sea Life aquarium! It was awesome. Quite a small aquarium, but plenty to see. It was not too busy either, which was really nice. It was especially good being able to enjoy their 360 shark tunnel without the pressure to keep moving to accommodate the crowds. My sister and I spent ages watching the sharks, and trying to spot their turtle (Surprisingly, even a giant turtle can do what my fish do – hide themselves away perfectly, not a trace.) The aquarium had been done up for Christmas – with lights in the decorative palm trees in the aquarium, a Santa hat on one of their statues, and a plastic Christmas tree in their main tank with the sharks. It was kind of adorable. It was another long, tiring day, but lots of fun and it’s easier to be around just my sister rather than dealing with the whole family. (Not including the cat.)


Shark not bothered by Christmas tree in his tank

Since then I’ve come back to the flat and reunited with the fish, who probably didn’t even know I was gone, and met up with my sister in Manchester for more sales shopping. Between those two outings I have managed to buy a lot of nice work stuff at reduced prices, which is awesome. I basically bought several sweaters of similar colors and different styles, but as I live in sweaters+pants/skirt combos at work I think I can justify it. And I finally found a nice smart coat I can wear for my meetings! There’s nothing like putting on your formal wear only to cover it up in a casual coat…Which I’ve been doing for over a year now as coats being expensive, I struggled to commit to buying something nicer. But I found a good formal coat and a good price on it in the sales this time. It was still painful to hand it over at the till, but I can live with it. (And finally I can package myself properly for my meetings, which is pretty priceless to be honest.) I then had a driving lesson today. But mostly I’ve been relaxing and enjoying not having to go to work.

I have to go back to work eventually, of course. I have mixed feelings on it. But whatever, still got a couple of days to myself, and I plan to do nothing and enjoy it thoroughly.

Happy new year!!!

(Pictures are from the trip to Birmingham!)


The Birmingham Bullring shopping center Bull dressed up as a Christmas pudding, because why not

So this is Christmas

I ventured back home to my parents today for Christmas. Christmas seemed to come around awful fast this year, although the past week has been a drag, waiting for that last Friday at work. Work is going relatively well and I like my job, but I’m still finding it tough settling into the 9-5 routine. I get tired. Commuting by public transport is a pain. I end up spending too much on taxis to make up for its shortfalls. I’m so glad to not have to deal with commuting in particular for the next week or so.

This Christmas is going to be a particularly quiet and subdued one: although big celebrations have never been a thing in our family, as we live so far from our relatives, this year we are one fewer following the loss of our cat and it’s noticeable. As such we are jumping ship and celebrating Christmas at my sister’s house.(Rather than at my parents home as per usual.) She bought a house early this year, and recently got herself a little cat. As she hasn’t had the cat for long, and the cat is a rescue cat, she doesn’t want to leave her alone. We will thus bring ourselves (my parents, myself), the presents and the food and celebrate there with her and the little kitty. It’s a bit different, it feels a bit wierd after several years of pretty much doing the same thing, of several years with a particular cat, but hopefully it should turn out ok. (Her new cat is pretty adorable, to be honest…)

After Christmas, a quiet boxing day, then my sister is taking me to the aquarium.(yay!) Then I’m heading back to the flat; I can’t stay away too long because of the fish. They are doing well, although I’ve had some mysterious disappearances recently…I’m supposed to have 19 fish but I’m fairly sure I don’t. It’s hard to count them when there are so many, moving constantly, and all looking fairly similar. I did find a dead body yesterday which, to put it simply, was quite far gone in decomposition, which makes an obvious likely conclusion for where the others are. My tank is stable, with reasonable nitrate levels, and no ammonia or nitrite so I’ve decided not to tear apart the tank for the bodies and let nature do her thing. My remaining fish seem quite ok. Today my male minnows were displaying…It was beautiful and interesting to watch. Two of my males were swimming together with their fins stuck out and they were swimming in a very particular way…Unfortunately I couldn’t get a picture :(

I feel fairly ambivalent about the new year. I’m already working so hard to change- with trying to get my anxiety under control- and I don’t believe in that magical reset upon the new year’s like some do. I do hope work continues to go well, or maybe even better (see: settling into 9-5 routine),that my fish don’t keep decreasing, and that I can finally get my driver’s licence (please?)

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, no matter where you are or who you are celebrating it with, and even if you aren’t celebrating it in the way you want, I hope it all turns out ok.

(Note I’m writing this at 1am, so it’s 25th December but nothing has happened yet! I’m still writing this on Christmas Eve, in my mind…)