One thing I have been doing a lot of now that I am home is bake. It is good to have a kitchen again. My first project was banana cake. They were selling banana cake at one of the cafe’s at uni which reminded me how much I love it (its one of my favourites actually). I therefore set out to learn how to make my own and it turned out very easy and very delicious. I even it with lemon icing too and it could have even been called pretty. My baking is never pretty. Always tasty, and always ugly. :| Clearly, I am improving.

Next up I made these cupcakes. Cupcakes are easy, so it wasn’t hard to make these. The butter icing is a new skill that I have learnt, and I’m now icing everything I can. (see above) I also saw these decorations at the shop and thought why the hell not. I’d actually never really planned to make cupcakes, but I remembered my sister gave me some silicon cupcake molds for Christmas that I hadn’t used yet and thought I better get round to making something with them. Turns out they’re fantastic. Very cute, easy to use, easy to wash, and eco friendly of course. I found some more at TK MAXX for and now I find myself wanting to bake more cupcakes. Although I also want to make carrot cake, and bran muffins, and biscuits, and basically I want to bake ALL the things. I am becoming very aware that I will be going back to uni in just a matter of weeks. Just 13 days left.