
I am currently procrastinating from studying Japanese. I am quite truly sick and tired of revision and I just…can’t seem to remember anymore than I already have. But I am pleased to say- my exams are over!! Had my Circuits and Fields last Saturday, which went even worse than expected. The paper was written by a different lecturer and I have never before seen questions like that in my entire life. They were at a totally different level from the questions and past papers my lecturer had given/set before. Harder, more complicated, less clear as to what the question wanted. Methods had different names too, which didn’t help. I actually couldn’t answer most of the questions. I had never ever seen circuits that looked like that- how was I supposed to analyze them? It was terrible.

Then I thankfully had a nice long break until Friday, spent mostly stuck in halls procrastination from revision and revising. I did go out Thursday to go get Sushi with a friend. And shop by myself a little afterwards. Instead of revising. It was pretty fun.

My friend and I went to Yo!Sushi as they had an offer on. I wasn’t really feeling well and wasn’t that hungry, and I had to face being in the embarrassing situation of not being able to use chopsticks and having nothing else to eat with but chopsticks (thanks, yo sushi and I won’t be going back to give you any more of my money any time soon. I don’t even like sushi, I just go there for the tamago and the katsu curry.) but it was nice to chat to my friend. This came up at a point- that I have no friends. And I told my friend I honestly don’t need any friends but her (well, I  told her I didn’t need friends and had to furiously backtrack to explain that I meant I didn’t need other friends, oh awkward). I have the feeling people expect me to be living differently than I do, that they find it strange that I don’t go out, that they feel bad for me that I’ve not gotten any friends on my course or in my halls. But these things don’t matter for me. There are situations where I feel yeah, it would be nice to have friends on my course but that’s for selfish reasons- needing someone to contact when i’m not sure of coursework deadlines say. But, in truth I don’t really need people for any other reason. I don’t like to talk to people. Being around people makes me anxious, and I end up feeling exhausted because of it. I feel embarrassed by the things I say, I feel self conscious and  I just don’t like it.  Not around my best friend, or my sister, the people I trust. They’re enough. I don’t trust easily, and I can’t relax around people until I know I can trust  them.  They are the only people I can really relax around, and thus I like being with them. No one else. I don’t know. Sometimes I feel strange myself. Sometimes I wonder if there is something wrong with me. There are so many things I can’t do that most people my age can (use chopsticks, for instance, apply makeup,  go to a bar or club and know what I am doing etc) and I guess…I feel a little like the odd one out sometime. Even though I feel mostly fine with myself, it seems the world is telling me that it is wrong to be this way. :(

I don’t know where this paragraph came from. Or if it even makes any sense.

I’ll leave it there and continue with the day to day stuff.

I probably shoulda revised more during those 6 days. I had electronic engineering at 9am on Friday, and the paper was OK but I couldn’t remember everything and I made lots of little mistakes and forgot gray code thus totally messing up on one question. Hopefully should have enough marks to pass that one? I hope. I’m trying not to think about it anymore. Results should be out mid February/by the end of February and there’s nothing I can do until then.

Today I went out again, got brows waxed, shopped, had coffee at Starbucks. Nothing major,  but OK. I was mainly avoiding studying Japanese, because I did mention I’m sick of studying yeah?

Semester 2 starts on Monday. I have lectures from 9am until 1pm, then from 2pm until 6pm and then I have Japanese from 6:30pm until 8:30pm. yeah. What a fun start to a new semester. I am in a way…dreading semester 2. There’s a lot more labs this semester and I don’t really like labs? And I start something called real time systems this semester and apparently we get to choose our own groups. This phrase usually makes most people happy. Most people who aren’t me. That phrase brings back memories of standing out in the  cold during P.E lessons waiting, waiting to be picked and  no one ever would. I’d always be the one left behind, the one that someone is stuck with.   I am totally dreading RTS, not only because it is going to be difficult, but because I am going to have to deal with working with someone I don’t know, and someone who probably doesn’t want to work with me as much as I don’t want to work with them. This is one of those situations where I think, for selfish reasons, that it would be nice to have friends :/

Forget Japanese revision, I’m going to bed now. So tired. I feel a little sad, but no, its more I feel like having a good cry. Just, letting it out. All this worry and anxiety, all this stress. But I’m too tired for even that.