Another no-poo update

I smothered my hair in a mixture of egg and yogurt about one week ago as a hair mask/treatment kind of thing. Strangest thing I have ever done, but for a few precious days my hair actually looked and felt clean. It was glossy and soft and lovely. None of that weird grey residue, or my hair looking like I have dipped it in a vat of oil. Unfortunately, it soon returned to the greasy mess it was and currently is. I seem to have reached a point in no-poo where my hair just won’t come clean. I don’t know why. I’m not doing anything differently to how I have before. I admit to being tempted to try conditioner only, instead of water-only but that would require me to buy a good natural conditioner. I have little money and I am not keen to use even conditioner on my scalp. I am more than a little tempted to just give up and use shampoo but then I have been no-poo for three months. If it was just a week or two then I could say I tried it, didn’t like it, and give up easily. But three months. Giving up now would be such a waste when its been this long.

Also- I like other things about my no-poo hair. I like the fact my hair is curlier, and has more volume. I like how my dandruff is less, if not yet completly gone, and although my scalp still itches it is not as persistent and just not as bad. But the grease is just terrible. It looks greasy, feels greasy… not to mention dry. I don’t know what to do. My hair looks so bad :( And I’m going on holiday in a few weeks, I don’t want to look this gross then :( I think I may increase the amount of times I wash my hair a week to three times, and I’ll start using my boar bristle brush again (I hate cleaning the thing so I got lazy and stopped using it altogether) and then if that doesn’t work I’ll look into things like the wash cloth method (running a wash cloth down the hair 20+ times to spread the grease or idk something like that). I really want this to work but if it doesn’t come clean soon I may just…dilute some shampoo and use that…so pretty much, give up. I don’t like my hair looking this awful. :(