“Dont hesitate, take your first step forward”

What do you know, it’s already the 9th of January of 2011.

Nothing feels different you know.

I had my first and only exam on the 6th of January. It crept up on me a little too quickly. It was somewhat strange waking up at 6am again and trudging through the dark, quiet streets at 7am to get to the train station, sitting on the train again, being in Liverpool again. Then there was the exam. The good? Was the atmosphere. University exams are different from A levels. At A levels you’d have to put your bag in a different room, hand in your phone, find where you’re sitting. Then when you’re finally sitting down you’d end up sitting there for a good 10/20 minutes as the papers are handed out and then listening to the examiners as they went through all the rules and what you had to do, as well as listen to the rules of all the other exams. Meanwhile you’re just sitting there getting more and more nervous wanting the exam to just start already. They don’t baby you like that at University. The papers are put out before hand. You go in, put your bag down at the front, turn your phone off (and you can keep it on you) and you sit wherever you want. You fill out a little form with your details, put your student ID on the desk, fill out the front of the paper. Once everyone is there and settled the exam just starts. Its much more efficient and involved a lot less waiting around getting nervous (the only wait was before the exam cos I got there at 9am when the exam started at 9:30am). The exam itself wasn’t great; the questions were strange. And I got really bored about half way through cos I was already 97% finished which left me with an hour to check, recheck, stare round at other people, recheck, stare at the law posters on the walls, recheck, watch my lecturers as they paced through the rows and passed by me, recheck. It was awfully dull, and I was exhausted due to the fact I couldn’t sleep the night before and I had to wake up so early, leaving me surviving on two hours of sleep and some cereal.

In short I probably did badly but I was too tired to really care.

Afterwards I went shopping, wanting to get some bargains in the jan sales. It started out fun and got terribly boring. I don’t find shopping fun. Sure, I love that feeling when you find that perfect item for the perfect price but its such a chore to find it. I hate searching for items, finding something but its not the right price or the right size or it looks really terrible. Not to mention I was jeans shopping which meant lugging 10 pairs of jeans (really just 3 different styles in a variety of colors) into the changing rooms, cutting it down to 3 for further consideration, gathering all my stuff and going out the changing room, getting more styles and colors and sizes, rinse and repeat. It was annoying and tedious. After two hours I ended up with one pair of jeans and a top. Not successful as I would have liked but not bad.

The past few days have been spent trying to ignore the fact that I go back to university on Monday and that I have two pieces of coursework in for Friday I have yet to complete.

I’m not really looking forward to starting university again tomorrow.