First: MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hope those who have already celebrated had a good one, and those still celebrating are enjoying themselves.

For me Christmas this year has been neither good nor bad. Rather, just mundane. Christmas has been this way for a while but for some reason I always expect something more and thus always end up a little disappointed. Yesterday Christmas eve was nothing special and I guess I hoped Christmas might be fun but it has turned out to be just as dull. We all overslept so we only got to present opening about midday. (There was no waking each other up and running downstairs tired but excited like we used to do when we were younger, we all just kind of gathered with as much excitement as we could muster). Present opening is always fun and one of the things I love about Christmas. (IDC if that makes me spoilt or materialistic; receiving things is FUN. I also like seeing how people react to the things I get them as I get nervous my presents aren’t good enough. It fills me with relief when they like them.) Now that me and my sister are older we still get more presents than we probably should but its all very little things: ornaments, fashion jewelry, cosmetics, chocolate/food, stationery etc. My biggest present this year was a South African Monopoly set. Its not the exact one as I grew up playing- all the street names have changed to suit the times and they now use airports instead of railways- but it’s still South African and thus AWESOME. My sister isn’t feeling well today so hopefully she’ll play with me tomorrow.

After present opening came a terrible lull, waiting for lunch. I sat with my phone and idly browsed my googlereader and wrote parts of this post in an effort to drive off boredom. (A failed effort. I was so extremely bored.) Lunch was brilliant food-wise (the second great thing about Christmas: FOOD) but ended up not-so-brilliant in any other way. My dad and sister had some kind of disagreement over the cooking before and my sister wasn’t feeling well and was all emotional and ended up crying. Lunch started fine but disintegrated into awkward city. My parents cleaned up and I helped. Then we all retreated to our rooms to do our separate things and that is how things have stayed. I am shifting my excitement onto the fact that episodes 13 and 14 of Secret Garden airing this weekend look awesome. (I am hopelessly addicted to that drama, no matter how little actual storyline it has.)

Its only 4pm but Christmas seems to be pretty much over for my house. Its all rather anti-climatic. :/

(And yes. I could have posted a picture of our tree or my presents but instead have Phoebe being awesome. Fuck yeah friends)