Keep Your Head Down

DBSK, Keep Your Head Down (live) – RETURN OF THE KINGS. This performance is just perfect. I’m getting amazing flashbacks of the mirotic comeback and how dbsk took kpop by storm. I think homin are going to do the same. The thing about dbsk is that as a group they were amazing but that was due partly to the fact that each member was in his own right talented and charismatic. On their own, or rather as a group of two and three they can still dominate the stage. Homin’s stage presence is incredible in this performance. They nail the dance and the song sounds almost exactly like the recording- except they are singing live (I think?). I admit I didn’t love the song at first- rather there were bits I loved and bits that made me frown (in particular the return of yunho’s nasally rapping ala purple line) but I’ve grown to love it. I’ve come to the conclusion that this song is really powerful, it suits them and it certainly makes a statement. I’m so happy Homin are back and I can’t wait to see future performances.